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Antiaging Supplements: How NAD, NMN, and SIRT 6 Activators Battle Aging

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  • Post last modified:31 January 2024


In the relentless pursuit of the elusive fountain of youth, science has delved deep into the intricate mechanisms governing our cells. At the forefront of this groundbreaking research are three molecular heroes – NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators. These compounds, often heralded as the antiaging supplements of the future, hold the promise of extending our lifespan and enhancing the quality of our years.

As we age, our cells undergo a myriad of changes, leading to a decline in energy production, compromised DNA integrity, and overall cellular function. However, the emerging field of longevity research is uncovering how NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 can intervene at the cellular level, rejuvenating and fortifying our biological systems. In this exploration, we’ll dissect the roles of these molecular warriors, understanding how they combat aging and contribute to a healthier, more prolonged life.

Understanding NAD, NMN, and SIRT6

Antiaging Supplements Unveiled: The Cellular Powerhouses

The journey into the realm of antiaging supplements begins with NAD, a coenzyme that serves as the cellular powerhouse. As we age, NAD levels dwindle, leading to decreased energy production and a cascade of cellular consequences. NAD, however, holds the key to revitalizing this energy production, and researchers are uncovering its potential to turn back the cellular clock.

Moving forward, our exploration leads us to NMN, a crucial player in the antiaging arsenal. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, or NMN, acts as a precursor to NAD, offering a strategic pathway to boost cellular NAD levels. Scientific studies are shedding light on the remarkable impact of NMN supplementation, with potential benefits ranging from improved metabolic function to enhanced tissue health.

In tandem with NAD and NMN, our cellular journey unfolds with the introduction of SIRT6, a silent guardian in the cellular landscape. Belonging to the Sirtuin family of proteins, SIRT6 plays a pivotal role in DNA repair and maintenance. As we age, DNA damage accumulates, but SIRT6 steps in, wielding its molecular tools to mend and preserve the integrity of our genetic code.

Join us as we unravel the science behind these molecular warriors, understanding how NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators engage in the cellular battle against aging, offering a glimpse into a future where aging may be more than just inevitable – it might be conquerable.

The Cellular Battle Against Aging

Energizing Cells: NAD Activation for Antiaging Benefits

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in all living cells and plays a crucial role in various biological processes. It has gained attention in the field of longevity due to its potential benefits. Here is a short description of its benefits:

Energy Production [1]:

NAD is involved in cellular energy production through its role in the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. It helps convert nutrients into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s primary energy currency. By supporting efficient energy production, NAD may contribute to increased energy levels and improved vitality.

DNA Repair [2]:

NAD is involved in DNA repair mechanisms, helping maintain our genetic material’s integrity. This is important for preventing mutations and maintaining proper cellular function. By supporting DNA repair, NAD may help slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.

Sirtuin Activation [3]:

NAD is a key component in the activation of Sirtuins, a group of proteins that regulate various cellular processes, including gene expression, DNA repair, and metabolism. Sirtuins have been implicated in longevity and are thought to play a role in extending lifespan. By increasing NAD levels, it is believed that Sirtuin activity can be enhanced, potentially promoting longevity.

Mitochondrial Function [4]:

NAD is involved in maintaining mitochondrial health and function. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy and are also a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause cellular damage. By supporting mitochondrial function, NAD may help reduce oxidative stress and improve overall cellular health.

Neuroprotection [5]:

NAD has been shown to have neuroprotective effects, potentially protecting against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. It may help improve brain function, enhance memory, and support overall brain health.

Reversing Time: NMN Intervention as an Antiaging Strategy

NMN, the unsung hero among antiaging supplements, emerges as a key intervention in our quest for longevity. As a precursor to NAD, NMN offers a direct route to replenishing cellular energy reserves. Scientific investigations into NMN supplementation reveal its potential to reverse cellular aging. By boosting NAD levels, NMN contributes to improved metabolic function, potentially slowing down the aging process at the cellular level. Our journey into the cellular battlefield against aging is incomplete without recognizing NMN’s role in turning back the clock on cellular decline.

NMN’s Multifaceted Benefits Unveiled

As we delve deeper into the intricate realm of NMN intervention as an antiaging strategy, the comprehensive benefits of this unsung hero come to light. Scientific investigations have uncovered a wealth of evidence supporting NMN’s potential to reverse cellular aging and contribute to an enhanced health span.

Mitochondrial Revitalization:

Benefit: NMN’s pivotal role as a precursor to NAD leads to increased cellular NAD levels, reinvigorating mitochondrial function.

Evidence: Studies such as those conducted by Gomes et al. (2013) emphasize the impact of NAD+ on mitochondrial function, showcasing the potential of NMN in mitigating age-related decline in energy production [6].

Energy Metabolism Enhancement:

Benefit: NMN’s ability to boost NAD levels translates into improved energy metabolism within cells.

Evidence: Yoshino et al. (2011) conducted research illustrating the positive effects of NMN supplementation on energy metabolism, highlighting its potential role in preventing age-related metabolic disorders such as diabetes [7].

Cellular Respiration Improvement:

Benefit: NMN’s influence on cellular NAD levels is associated with enhanced cellular respiration and increased energy output.

Evidence: Gomes et al. (2013) demonstrated the connection between NAD+ levels and cellular respiration, emphasizing NMN’s potential to counteract age-induced declines in cellular function [6].

Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Benefit: NMN has shown promise in mitigating inflammation, a key contributor to age-related diseases.

Evidence: Emerging research, including studies by Zhang et al. (2019), suggests that NAD+ precursors like NMN may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially contributing to an overall reduction in the aging process [8].

Cognitive Function Preservation:

Benefit: NMN’s influence on NAD levels may extend to preserving cognitive function and reducing age-related cognitive decline.

Evidence: Animal studies, such as the work of Long et al. (2015), indicate that NAD precursors like NMN may play a role in maintaining cognitive health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases [9].

Cardiovascular Health Support:

Benefit: NMN’s impact on NAD levels has implications for cardiovascular health, including improved blood vessel function and reduced oxidative stress.

Evidence: A study by de Picciotto et al. (2016) demonstrated the potential cardiovascular benefits of NAD precursors, suggesting a positive impact on overall cardiovascular health [10].

By examining these diverse benefits, it becomes evident that NMN intervention goes beyond a singular mechanism, offering a multifaceted approach to combating cellular aging. As ongoing research continues to unravel the intricacies of NMN’s effects on cellular health, the potential for this antiaging supplement to redefine the aging process remains an exciting prospect.

Guardians of Integrity: SIRT6 and DNA Repair

SIRT6’s Crucial Role in Preserving Cellular Integrity Unveiled

In the intricate world of cellular longevity, SIRT6 emerges as a central figure in the maintenance of DNA integrity. As a member of the Sirtuin family, SIRT6 plays a pivotal role in repairing and safeguarding the delicate structure of our genetic code. The aging process inevitably inflicts damage upon our DNA, but the molecular prowess of SIRT6 allows it to mend these age-induced lesions effectively. Through the enhancement of DNA repair mechanisms, SIRT6 stands as a guardian, actively contributing to the preservation of cellular integrity and paving the way for an extended health span.

Telomere Length Maintenance:

Benefit: SIRT6 has been linked to the preservation of telomere length, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes associated with cellular aging.

Evidence: Li, Z., Chen, B., Dong, W., & Kong, M. (2021) highlighted SIRT6’s contribution to telomere maintenance, suggesting its potential role in delaying the cellular aging process [11].

DNA Double-Strand Break Repair:

Benefit: SIRT6 is involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks, critical events that can lead to genomic instability if left unrepaired.

Evidence: Kaidi, A., Weinert, B. T., Choudhary, C., & Jackson, S. P. (2010) explored the role of SIRT6 in DNA double-strand break repair, emphasizing its significance in preserving genomic integrity [12].

Suppression of Inflammation and DNA Damage Response:

Benefit: SIRT6’s ability to suppress inflammation contributes to the reduction of DNA damage response, minimizing the impact of inflammatory processes on cellular integrity.

Evidence: Kawahara, T. L. A., Michishita, E., Adler, A. S., Damian, M., Berber, E., Chua, K. F., & Chua, K. F. (2009) investigated SIRT6’s role in suppressing inflammation, emphasizing its potential impact on maintaining DNA integrity [13].

Benefit: SIRT6’s involvement in DNA repair and cellular integrity is closely associated with its potential to promote longevity and mitigate age-related diseases.

Evidence: A study by Mostoslavsky, R., Chua, K. F., Lombard, D. B., Pang, W. W., Fischer, M. R., Gellon, L., & Alt, F. W. (2006) highlighted SIRT6’s contribution to longevity and resistance to age-related diseases, reinforcing its significance in cellular health [14].

Preservation of Genomic Stability:

Benefit: SIRT6 actively contributes to preserving genomic stability by participating in various DNA repair processes.

Evidence: McCord, R. A., Michishita, E., Hong, T., Berber, E., Boxer, L. D., Kusumoto, R., & Chua, K. F. (2009) demonstrated SIRT6’s role in maintaining genomic stability, emphasizing its impact on preventing DNA damage and instability [15].

As we unravel the intricate mechanisms orchestrated by SIRT6, the significance of its role in DNA repair and preservation of cellular integrity becomes increasingly apparent. These diverse benefits collectively underscore SIRT6’s position as a crucial guardian in the cellular battlefield against aging, offering promise for a future where maintaining DNA integrity contributes to an extended health span.

Choosing the Right Antiaging Supplements

Quality Matters: Considerations for Antiaging Supplements

As we embark on the journey to unlock the secrets of antiaging supplements, the importance of quality cannot be overstated. Not all supplements are created equal; selecting the right ones is crucial for achieving desired results. When it comes to antiaging, prioritize high-quality supplements that adhere to stringent manufacturing standards. This ensures the efficacy and safety of the products, aligning with the goals of supporting cellular health and longevity.

Trusted Source: DoNotAge as a Reliable Vendor for Antiaging Supplements

In the vast landscape of supplement providers, DoNotAge emerges as a beacon of trust and reliability. When seeking top-notch NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators, DoNotAge stands out for its commitment to quality and transparency. As a reputable vendor, DoNotAge sources its products meticulously, guaranteeing that you receive the full benefits of these antiaging supplements. Choosing a reliable supplier is paramount, and DoNotAge’s reputation in the field makes it a go-to destination for those dedicated to the pursuit of a longer, healthier life.

DoNotAge offers the essential antiaging supplements NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators and provides a curated selection of products designed to support overall health and wellness. Explore their range, including antioxidants, immune system boosters, and other longevity-promoting supplements. Here are a few noteworthy products available on DoNotAge:

Pure NR

It is believed that NR can support brain performance (cognitive function, focus and memory), support the natural immune system, reduce fatigue, support healthy DNA, and of course assist Sirtuin activation.

Starter Pack

It contains a pack of six supplements. All of the supplements are designed to work in tandem with each other, and the overall impact on your health can be astounding.

Hyaluronic Acid Supplement

Hyaluronic acid has been shown to protect against a number of respiratory diseases, assist with weight loss, be beneficial for brain health, ease incontinence and bladder pain, treat wounds, and assist in healing and reduce wrinkling of the skin

Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

Here are just some of the benefits of taking our best-unflavored collagen powder: tissue repair, immune response, cellular communication, cellular migration, a process necessary for tissue maintenance

Creatine Monohydrate

Some evidence suggests that Creatine might prevent skin aging, treat muscle diseases, help people with multiple sclerosis (MS) to exercise and enhance cognitive ability.

Pure TMG

Ensures that your NMN supplementation is not wasted. It has other beneficial properties too, including supporting exercise performance and supporting vital organs such as the liver and the heart.

Glycine & NAC

Glycine is an amino acid. Like NAC, glycine is needed to produce the glutathione antioxidant substance. NAC, also called acetylcysteine, is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation, too. It’s also been shown to reduce homocysteine levels, a substance linked to heart disease.

Pure Resveratrol

It activates Sirtuin 1, improves liver health, and has the greatest effects if combined with NMN and Pure Quercetin.


Since it was first isolated from broccoli and demonstrated to have cancer chemoprotective properties, supports a healthy liver, as well as protecting against pollution, UV rays from sunlight, alcohol, cigarette smoke and airborne pollutants.

Pure Berberine

It’s a potent AMPK activator and helps to support healthy insulin levels, cholesterol and blood pressure.


AKG is a key metabolite in the KREBS cycle (energy) and plays a role in metabolism, stem cell growth, collagen synthesis, and epigenetic regulation.

Pure Vitamin D3, K2 & Magnesium

This product can improve your circulation, bone health, and blood flow and boost your body’s immune system.

Pure Spermidine

Spermidine may delay aging in humans, support the reduction of age-related diseases, upregulate Sirtuin 1, support liver health, provide anti-inflammatory benefits, and support a healthy brain.

Pure Quercetin

It is a potent antioxidant that can activate Sirtuins, increase resveratrol efficiency, reduce senescent cells, and support healthy cholesterol.

Pure Fisetin

It is shown to remove senescent cells, reduce inflammation, and support the body in its fight against brain decline and cancer progression.

Pure Apigenin

Studies have shown that apigenin alone can double your NAD+ levels in the body, without the supplementation of NAD+ boosters

Pure Omega 3

Pure Omega 3 helps with: brain health, eye health, immune health; it also help with heart, joint and hormonal health.


It helps your body to naturally create more of its own melatonin, inducing sleep and fighting fatigue.

For more details, vivsit the DoNotAge website.

By broadening your horizons and exploring these additional offerings, you can create a comprehensive approach to supporting your longevity journey with DoNotAge.

Before starting any new supplement regimen, it is strongly recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your health needs, medical history, and potential medication interactions. A healthcare professional can help determine if a specific longevity supplement is appropriate for you and guide you on the proper dosage and usage.


As we draw the curtain on our exploration into the cellular battle against aging, the significance of antiaging supplements, particularly NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators, shines brightly on the horizon of longevity research. Our journey through the intricate mechanisms of these molecular heroes reveals a compelling narrative of hope and potential for a healthier, extended life.

In the pursuit of the fountain of youth, the key lies within our cells, where NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 actively engage in the antiaging struggle. The concept of replenishing NAD levels to invigorate cellular energy, harnessing the power of NMN to reverse age-induced cellular decline, and relying on SIRT6 to safeguard our DNA integrity presents a formidable strategy for promoting longevity at the cellular level.

As you consider incorporating antiaging supplements into your wellness routine, the importance of quality cannot be overstated. Selecting trustworthy sources is paramount, and in this regard, DoNotAge stands out as a beacon of reliability. Their commitment to providing high-quality NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activators ensures that you are embarking on your antiaging journey with products that meet the highest standards.

Beyond the core antiaging supplements, DoNotAge offers a range of products designed to support overall health and longevity. Exploring these additional offerings allows you to adopt a holistic approach to aging gracefully, addressing various facets of well-being.

In the ever-evolving landscape of longevity research, the narrative is clear – the potential to age with vitality lies within our grasp. By incorporating antiaging supplements, particularly those that focus on NAD, NMN, and SIRT6 activation, you empower your cells to resist the march of time.

Embrace the future of aging gracefully, where antiaging supplements become not just a choice but a cornerstone in your quest for a longer, healthier life. Consider DoNotAge as your trusted partner on this journey, providing the tools your body needs to defy the conventional constraints of aging. Your cellular revolution begins now, with each dose of these transformative antiaging supplements, paving the way for a future where longevity is not just a dream but a tangible reality.


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11. Li, Z., Chen, B., Dong, W., & Kong, M. (2021). Telomere, Aging, and Sirtuin: A Review. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 77(2), 177–184.

12. Kaidi, A., Weinert, B. T., Choudhary, C., & Jackson, S. P. (2010). Human SIRT6 promotes DNA end resection through CtIP deacetylation. Science, 329(5997), 1348–1353.

13. Kawahara, T. L. A., Michishita, E., Adler, A. S., Damian, M., Berber, E., Chua, K. F., & Chua, K. F. (2009). SIRT6 Links Histone H3 Lysine 9 Deacetylation to NF-κB-Dependent Gene Expression and Organismal Life Span. Cell, 136(1), 62–74.

14. Mostoslavsky, R., Chua, K. F., Lombard, D. B., Pang, W. W., Fischer, M. R., Gellon, L., & Alt, F. W. (2006). Genomic Instability and Aging-like Phenotype in the Absence of Mammalian SIRT6. Cell, 124(2), 315–329.

15. McCord, R. A., Michishita, E., Hong, T., Berber, E., Boxer, L. D., Kusumoto, R., & Chua, K. F. (2009). SIRT6 stabilizes DNA-dependent protein kinase at chromatin for DNA double-strand break repair. Aging, 1(1), 109–121.

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Why Your Biological Age Matters More Than Your Birthdate

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